Lake St. Clair Musky taken on the Optimus Swine in Mardi Gras |
Eric Grajewski with a monster Lake Huron Lake Trout on a Bush Pig |
Monday, September 7, 2009
What a great time of year...
September has always been my favorite time of the year...College Football is back, all the fresh fruits and vegatables
are in season in the upper midwest, and the waters start to cool to call the big fish in close. Right now salmon are
looking for their natal rivers, soon the steelhead will be following suit, then the big lake-run brown trout will be cruising
the shorelines. Its a great time to fish from now till ice up, get out while you can, there are trophies to be had! Eli
5:17 pm edt
The Mega Rattling Murdich was a top producing fly in 2011 |
Specialising in flies for all the predators of the Great Lakes
Region. The great thing about streamer fishing is that it is pro-active, you become the fly as you strip, pause, jerk,
and manipulate the fly to entice the fish to chase down and attack. These patterns are battle tested and have proven
effective not just in the Great Lakes Region, but across the country. Musky Flies - Musky Fly Fishing - Lake St. Clair Musky Fly Fishing - Smallmouth Bass Flies - Lake St.
Clair Fly Fishing - Smallmouth Bass Flies - Northern Pike Fly Fishing Northern Pike Flies
- Carp Flies - Freshwater Drum Flies - Lake Huron Fly Fishing - Lake Michigan Fly Fishing - Trophy Trout Streamers -
Brown Trout Flies - Surf Flies Great Lakes Surf Flies - Salmon Streamers - Bass Streamers
- Lake Trout Fly Fishing - Lake Trout Flies - Flies for Lake St. Clair - Streamers for the White River - Streamers for Arkansas - Canadian Pike Fly Fishing - Fly Fishing for Pike in Canada - Musky Country Flies
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trout streamers for sale -
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